How much water should you drink a day

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How much water to drink a day

Health professionals frequently advise consumers to consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. The “8×8” rule is the name given to this phenomenon. Though it might not apply to everyone.

The body constantly loses water throughout the day, mostly through urine and sweat but also from regular body functions like breathing. To prevent dehydration, you need to get plenty of water from drink and food every day.

How much water you should consume each day is a subject of intense debate.

Eight 8-ounce glasses, which equates to around 2 litres or half a gallon, are the typical daily recommendation from health experts. The 8×8 rule refers to this and is fairly simple to recall.

Although you may not be thirsty, some experts contend that you should drink water continuously throughout the day.

This depends on the individual, as it does with most things. How much water you require ultimately depends on a variety of factors, both internal and external.

This article discusses how to easily stay well hydrated for your particular needs while looking at certain water intake studies to differentiate reality from fiction.

How much water do you need

How much water you need depends on a lot of things and varies from person to person. For adults, the general recommendation from The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is about:

  • 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women
  • 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men

This comprises fluids from food and beverages like tea and juice in addition to fluids from water. You obtain 20% of your water on average from the food you consume (1, 2).

Perhaps you require more water than others do. How much water you require also depends on:

  • your home address. In hot, humid, or dry climates, you will require extra water. If you reside in the mountains or at a high altitude, you will also require extra water (3Trusted Source).
  • Your diet. If you drink a lot of coffee and other caffeinated beverages you might lose more water through extra urination. You will likely also need to drink more water if your diet is high in salty, spicy, or sugary foods. Or, more water is necessary if you don’t eat a lot of hydrating foods that are high in water like fresh or cooked fruits and vegetables.
  • the time of year or temperature. In hotter months than in colder ones, you could require more water owing to perspiration.
  • your surroundings. You might become more thirsty more quickly if you spend more time outside in the heat or in a heated environment.
  • your level of activity. You’ll need more water than someone who sits at a desk if you’re active during the day, or if you walk around or stand up a lot. You will need to drink more to replace the water you lose if you exercise or engage in any strenuous activity.
  • your wellbeing. You should consume more water if you are sick, have a fever, lose fluids through vomiting, or have diarrhoea. You will also require more water if you have a medical condition like diabetes. Diuretics are one kind of drug that might cause water loss in patients.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding. If you’re pregnant or nursing your baby, you’ll need to drink extra water to stay hydrated. Your body is doing the work for two (or more), after all.

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Does water intake affect energy levels and brain function?

Many people claim that if you don’t stay hydrated throughout the day, your energy levels and brain function start to suffer.

There are plenty of studies to support this.

One study in women showed that a fluid loss of 1.36 percent after exercise impaired mood and concentration and increased the frequency of headaches (4Trusted Source).

Another Chinese study that followed 12 university-aged men found that going 36 hours without drinking any water had an impact on fatigue, concentration and focus, response time, and short-term memory (5).

Physical performance can be impacted by even minor dehydration. Just a 1% loss of body water was found to have a negative impact on older, healthy men’s muscle strength, power, and endurance (6).

Although losing 1% of body weight might not seem like much, it is a sizable amount of water. This typically occurs when you are dehydrated, sweating profusely, or in a heated environment.

Does drinking a lot of water help you lose weight

There are numerous suggestions that increasing your water intake may help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism and decreasing your appetite.

A study found a correlation between increased water consumption and lower body weight and body composition scores. (7 Reliable Source).

Chronic dehydration was linked to obesity, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, according to another evaluation of studies (8Trusted Source).

According to researchers in an earlier study, drinking 68 ounces (2 litres) in a single day led to a thermogenic response, or a higher metabolism, which they calculated boosted energy expenditure by roughly 23 calories per day (9Trusted Source). Although the sum was small, it had the potential to grow over time.

You can also consume less calories by drinking water about 30 minutes before meals (10Reliable Source). This might occur as a result of the body’s propensity to confuse hunger with thirst.

According to one study, participants who drank 17 ounces (500 mL) of water before every meal over the course of 12 weeks lost 44% more weight than those who didn’t (11Trusted Source).

Overall, it would appear that drinking enough water, especially before to meals, could help you better control your appetite and maintain a healthy body weight, especially when accompanied with a balanced eating regimen.

Furthermore, there are numerous additional health advantages of drinking lots of water.

Does more water help prevent health problems

Drinking enough water is required for your body to function in general. Several health problems may also respond well to increased water intake:

  • Constipation. Constipation, which is a very frequent issue, can be alleviated by drinking more water.
  • infection in the urinary tract. Increased water consumption, according to recent studies, may help avoid recurrent bladder and urinary tract infections.
  • renal stones. A previous study found that drinking lots of fluids reduced the incidence of kidney stones, but additional research is required.
  • Hygiene of the skin. More research is required to fully understand the benefits of increased water intake on skin hydration, clarity, and acne, though.

Do other fluids count toward your total

Drinks other than plain water can help you maintain a healthy fluid balance. Other alcoholic beverages and foods may have a big impact.

One common misconception is that because caffeine is a diuretic, caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea don’t aid in hydration.

In fact, studies show that the diuretic effect of these beverages is weak, but they can cause extra urination in some people. However, even caffeinated drinks help add water to your body overall.

Most foods contain water in varying levels. Meat, fish, eggs, and especially fruits and vegetables all contain water.

Together, coffee or tea and water-rich foods can help maintain your fluid balance.

Indicators of hydration

For your existence, maintaining a water balance is crucial.

Your body has a sophisticated system for regulating when and how much you drink as a result. Thirst becomes active if your body’s entire water content falls below a certain point.

You don’t have to be aware of it; this is carefully balanced by systems akin to breathing.

Your body is capable of balancing its water levels and letting you know when you need to hydrate more.

Dehydration can be reliably indicated by thirst, however feeling thirsty alone may not be sufficient for good health or activity performance.

To determine whether you’re drinking enough, it can be more useful to use the colour of your urine as a guide. Urine should be pale and clear.

The 8×8 rule is not truly supported by science. Everything about it is random. Having stated that, some situations could need consuming more water.

The most crucial one might be when sweating becomes more intense. Exercise and the heat are included in this, especially in a dry climate.

If you perspire a lot, be sure to drink water to replace the lost fluid. Along with water, athletes who engage in prolonged, hard exercise may also need to replenish electrolytes like sodium and other minerals.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, your thirst is greater.

Additionally, you need to drink more water if you have a fever, are vomiting, or are experiencing diarrhoea. Consider increasing your water consumption as well if you want to lose weight.

Additionally, because the systems that control thirst can begin to go down as we age, older adults may need to carefully monitor their water intake. According to studies, persons over 65 have a higher risk of becoming dehydrated.

The bottom line

At the end of the day, no one can tell you exactly how much water you need. This depends on many factors.

Try experimenting to see what works best for you. Some people may function better with more water than usual, while for others it only results in more frequent trips to the bathroom.

If you want to keep things simple, these guidelines should apply to the majority of people:

  1. Drink often enough throughout the day for clear, pale urine.
  2. When you’re thirsty, drink.
  3. During high heat and exercise and other mentioned indications, make sure to drink enough to compensate for the lost or extra needed fluids.
  4. That’s it!

Should You Drink 3 Liters of Water per Day?

It’s no secret that water is vital to your health.

In fact, water comprises 45–75% of your body weight and plays a key role in heart health, weight management, physical performance, and brain function

Studies show that upping your water intake may offer many health benefits

However, the amount of water you need is a subject of controversy — and drinking too much can harm your health.

This article examines the benefits and downsides of drinking 3 liters (100 ounces) of water per day.

Supports overall health

Water is essential for many biological functions and is essential to practically every area of health and wellness, so it’s crucial to stay well hydrated.

This fluid specifically aids in maintaining brain function, transporting nutrients, regulating body temperature, and improving physical performance.

Lack of water can be harmful and may result in side effects such as headaches, nausea, exhaustion, constipation, and dizziness.

In order to support improved health, drinking 3 litres (100 ounces) of water daily may help you hydrate yourself.

May boost weight loss

Increasing your water consumption may help you lose weight.

It can be especially helpful to drink water right before meals because it helps increase feelings of fullness and decrease hunger.

In one study of 24 participants, it was discovered that consuming 500 ml (17 ounces) of water before breakfast lowered calorie intake by 13%.

Similar to the above, a brief 12-week trial found that consuming 500 ml (17 ounces) of water before each meal as part of a low-calorie diet enhanced weight reduction by 44% as compared to a control group.

Your metabolism may momentarily accelerate if you drink water, which will lead to more calories being burned throughout the day.

500 ml (17 ounces) of water temporarily enhanced metabolism by 24% over the course of an hour in a short research including 16 participants, which may help with weight loss.

May improve skin health

More water may help maintain your skin supple and smooth, according to some research.

For instance, a month-long study involving 49 individuals found that increasing daily water consumption by 2 litres (67 ounces) increased skin hydration, particularly in those who habitually drank less than 3.2 litres (108 ounces) of water per day.

Another study conducted on 40 older persons found a correlation between higher fluid intake and improved skin hydration and pH.

Your chance of developing certain skin problems can be affected by your skin’s pH, which is essential for maintaining your skin’s barrier.

In addition, a study of six research indicated that drinking more water improved hydration, reduced dryness and roughness, and boosted skin suppleness.

Other benefits

Drinking more water may offer several other benefits as well, including

  • increased consistency. Numerous studies link an increased risk of constipation to a poor water intake. Therefore, consuming more water might encourage bowel motions.
  • Kidney stone prevention. One review of nine studies tied higher fluid intake to a lower risk of kidney stones.
  • pain alleviation. More water consumption, according to research, may help to reduce headaches brought on by fluid loss or dehydration.
  • Mood elevation. One research found that drinking more water may improve mood and brain function, particularly in youngsters and older adults.
  • improved athletic prowess. While dehydration can hinder exercise performance, rehydrating after exercise can improve endurance and lessen DNA damage caused by exercise.

May not be the right amount for everyone

While increasing your water intake may be good for your health, not everyone should drink 3 litres (100 ounces) of water each day.

There are currently no formal recommendations for drinking only plain water. The quantity you require depends on a number of variables, including your age, gender, and degree of activity.

There are, however, guidelines for total water consumption, which takes into account the water ingested from all foods and beverages, including plain water, fruits, and vegetables.

Most adult demands can be satisfied by a total daily consumption of about 2.7 litres (91 ounces) for women and 3.7 litres (125 ounces) for men.

You might not need to drink 3 litres (100 ounces) of water every day to meet your fluid needs, depending on the other foods and drinks you consume.

One of the easiest methods to stay hydrated is to just pay attention to your body and drink when you feel thirsty. In actuality, the majority of individuals can satisfy their daily demands simply drinking water when they are thirsty.

Notably, certain people, like athletes and others who have physically demanding jobs, may require more than 3 litres (100 ounces) of water per day.

Drinking too much water can be dangerous

Keep in mind that excessive water intake can be dangerous.

Drinking too much can disrupt your body’s electrolyte balance, leading to hyponatremia, or low levels of sodium in your blood.

Symptoms of hyponatremia include weakness, confusion, nausea, vomiting, and — in severe cases — even death .

Although your kidneys can excrete up to 20–28 liters (4.5–6 gallons) of water per day, they can only process 800–1,000 ml (27–34 ounces) of water per hour.

For this reason, it’s important to spread your water intake throughout the day rather than drink it all in a single sitting. Additionally, be sure to listen to your body and adjust your water intake accordingly if you’re feeling unwell.

How Drinking More Water Can Help You Lose Weight

Drinking water can help burn calories and reduce hunger cravings. Replacing sugary drinks with water can also lower caloric and sugar intake. But drinking water alone is not enough for major weight loss.

Water consumption has long been believed to aid with weight loss.

In fact, between 30 and 59% of US people who are trying to lose weight drink more water.

Numerous research suggest that increasing water intake may help with weight loss and maintenance.

Continue reading to learn how consuming water can aid with weight loss.

Drinking Water Can Make You Burn More Calories

Most of the studies listed below looked at the effect of drinking one, 0.5 liter (17 oz) serving of water.

Drinking water increases the amount of calories you burn, which is known as resting energy expenditure .

In adults, resting energy expenditure has been shown to increase by 24–30% within 10 minutes of drinking water. This lasts at least 60 minutes.

Supporting this, one study of overweight and obese children found a 25% increase in resting energy expenditure after drinking cold water.

A study of overweight women examined the effects of increasing water intake to over 1 liter (34 oz) per day. They found that over a 12-month period, this resulted in an extra 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of weight loss.

Since these women didn’t make any lifestyle changes except to drink more water, these results are very impressive.

Additionally, both of these studies indicate that drinking 0.5 liters (17 oz) of water results in an extra 23 calories burned. On a yearly basis, that sums up to roughly 17,000 calories — or over 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of fat.

Several other studies have monitored overweight people who drank 1-1.5 liters (34–50 oz) of water daily for a few weeks. They found a significant reduction in weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and body fat .

These results may be even more impressive when the water is cold. When you drink cold water, your body uses extra calories to warm the water up to body temperature.

Drinking Water Before Meals Can Reduce Appetite

Some individuals assert that consuming water before to a meal decreases appetite.

Actually, this does appear to have some basis in reality, although mostly among middle-aged and older persons.

Drinking water before every meal has been demonstrated in studies on older persons to accelerate weight loss by 2 kg (4.4 lbs) over a 12-week period.

In one study, middle-aged overweight and obese people lost 44% more weight when they drank water before every meal than when they didn’t.

According to a different study, using water before breakfast cut the number of calories ingested during the meal by 13%.

Studies on younger people have not demonstrated the same substantial reduction in calorie intake, despite the fact that this may be quite advantageous for middle-aged and older adults.

Drinking More Water is Linked to Reduced Calorie Intake and a Lower Risk of Weight Gain

Water is typically associated with lower calorie intake because it is calorie-free by nature.

The major reason for this is that you start drinking water instead of other drinks, which are frequently filled with calories and sugar.

Observational studies have indicated that those who mostly drink water have an average calorie intake that is up to 9% (or 200 calories) lower.

Water consumption may also aid in preventing long-term weight gain. Typically, every four years, the average person puts on 1.45 kg (3.2 lbs) of weight.

This sum could be cut by:

  • Adding 1 cup of water: Increasing your daily water consumption by 1 cup may reduce this weight gain by 0.13 kg (0.23 lbs).
  • Replacing other drinks with water: Substituting a serving of a sugar-sweetened beverage  with 1 cup of water may reduce the 4-year weight gain by 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs).

Encourage kids to drink water since it can keep them from getting overweight or obese. This is very important.

A recent study conducted in schools intended to lower obesity rates by promoting water consumption among kids. They put in water fountains in 17 schools and taught 2nd and 3rd students in the classroom about water consumption.

After one academic year, schools with higher water intake saw a staggering 31% decrease in the likelihood of obesity.

How Much Water Should You Drink

Numerous health organisations advise consuming eight 8-ounce glasses of water (or 2 litres) per day.

This number, however, is entirely arbitrary. Water needs vary widely from person to person, as they do with so many other things (20).

For instance, persons who exercise frequently or perspire a lot may require more water than others who are not as active.

Additionally, it’s important to properly manage your water intake if you’re older or nursing.

Remember that many foods and drinks, including coffee, tea, meat, fish, milk, and notably fruits and vegetables, also include water.

You should always drink water when you’re thirsty, and you should drink enough to slake your thirst.

You may get minor dehydration if you experience headaches, mood swings, ravenous hunger, or difficulty focusing. Increasing your water intake might help.

According to the studies, consuming 1-2 litres of water daily should be adequate to aid in weight loss.

Here are the recommended water intakes in various measurements:

  • Liters: 1–2.
  • Ounces: 34–67.
  • Glasses (8-oz): 4–8.

However, this is just a general guideline. Some people may need less, while others may need a lot more.

Also, it is not recommended to drink too much water either, as it may cause water toxicity. This has even caused death in extreme cases, such as during water drinking contests.

Should You Drink Sports Drinks Instead of Water

If you watch sports at all, you’ve probably seen sportsmen drinking from colourful cups before, during, or after a match.

These sports beverages play a significant role in international athletics and huge commerce.

Even if you are not an athlete, many people think that these drinks are the secret to enhancing workout performance.

Others, though, will advise you to stick with water because this is just marketing.

The Main Ingredients in Sports Drinks

Water is the main ingredient in sports drinks, but they also contain other substances, including carbs and electrolytes, which are supposed to improve performance.

The carbs in these drinks are often in the form of sugars like glucose, sucrose and fructose, but they may also be found in other forms.

Sports drinks typically contain 6-8% carbs. 8 fluid ounces (240 ml) of a 6% solution has 14 grammes of carbohydrates in it.

In an effort to appeal to individuals who desire water and electrolytes without extra calories, some sports drinks are low- or zero-carb.

Your body needs electrolytes, or minerals with an electrical charge, to function normally.

The main electrolytes found in sports drinks are sodium and potassium.

Popular brands of sports drinks include Gatorade®, Powerade® and All Sport®, among others.

Although there are several different brands available, there is likely not a large difference in the effectiveness of the major sports drinks on the market.

While much research has been conducted on sports drinks, some people have questioned the validity of these studies.

Specifically, some have raised concerns about the relationship between the large companies that make sports drinks and the scientists performing the studies .

Sports Drinks Can Benefit Athletes

Water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes—the three primary ingredients of sports drinks—are crucial for several aspects of exercise performance.

Sweating removes water and electrolytes, therefore it’s critical to replenish them, especially during strenuous exercise.

Your body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in your muscles and liver, which it uses as fuel when you exercise.

The rate at which your body depletes its own glucose reserves can be slowed down by eating carbohydrates before or during exercise

These three crucial components are what sports drinks are made to include in order to enhance workout performance or recuperation.

The effects of sports drinks on exercise performance have been the subject of several studies, most of which involved athletes.

Short-Duration Exercise

It’s not quite apparent if sports drinks are advantageous for intense exercise.

In one study, nine investigations involving 30 to 60 minutes of vigorous running or cycling were reviewed.

In six of the investigations, sports beverages were found to improve exercise performance. All participants, nevertheless, were skilled athletes who engaged in rigorous exercise.

In a trial with experienced bikers, a sports drink outperformed a placebo throughout an intense hour of cycling by roughly 2%.

Despite these findings, the advantages of sports drinks for short-duration activities, such leaping, sprinting, and agility training, are not well supported by the available research.

Similar to weight training, no definite advantages have been shown.

Team Sports and Intermittent Exercise

In team sports like soccer, basketball, and football, sports beverages are frequently consumed.

Intermittent activities that alternate between periods of strenuous exertion and rest are a part of these sports.

According to several studies, consuming carbohydrate beverages, such as sports drinks, might lessen fatigue and enhance performance in sports like rugby and soccer.

Other studies have looked at riding for periods ranging from 1.5 to 4 hours with breaks.

According to one study, sports drink consumption improved performance in 9 out of 12 tests utilising this type of exercise when compared to a placebo.

Prolonged Continuous Exercise

Continuous activity, as opposed to intermittent exercise, is performed without breaks.

Numerous research have investigated the effects of consuming carbohydrates during prolonged exercise lasting 1-4 hours or more, such as running and cycling.

The bulk of these research indicate that drinking these beverages improves performance.

Sports drinks are also most likely to be beneficial to athletes who participate in team sports that are most like long periods of continuous exercise, like football.

These gains can be attributable to the fact that sports drinks keep you hydrated and offer carbs as your body’s energy reserves start to run low.

How Many Carbs

Generally, as activity duration grows, so does the number of carbohydrates that may be advantageous.

Small amounts of carbohydrates (less than 30 grammes per hour), according to research, may enhance exercise performance in competitions lasting 30 to 75 minutes.

It is advised to ingest up to 30 grammes of carbohydrates each hour, or roughly 16 ounces of a sports drink containing 6% carbs, during sessions lasting between one and two hours.

More carbohydrates, up to 60 grammes each hour, may be beneficial for sessions lasting 2-3 hours.

These suggestions, however, call for nonstop, high-intensity action. Certain intermittent activities, like weight training, don’t follow the same rules.

Type and Intensity of Exercise

First, consider your exercise habits, as well as the duration and intensity of your training.

While sports drinks can benefit athletes who engage in long or intense training sessions, they are probably unnecessary for most gym-goers.

If you perform light-to-moderate exercise, such as walking or jogging, for less than 1 hour, you probably do not need to use sports drinks.

Similarly, if you only perform weight training, you probably do not need to use sports drinks, even if you spend over an hour at the gym.

Much of your time may be resting between sets, and weight training does not reduce your body’s carbohydrate stores as much as endurance exercise does.

If you do decide to use a sports drink, you should probably consume smaller amounts for exercise lasting less than an hour and no more than 30 grams of carbs for a session lasting 1–2 hours .

They May Affect Weight Loss

Energy balance, or the harmony of calories consumed and burned, is a crucial consideration for anyone aiming to maintain or lose weight.

You must expend more calories each day than you take in if you want to lose weight.

Sports beverages give extra calories that may interfere with your weight loss efforts if they are not necessary for the type of exercise you perform.

Sports beverages during exercises like jogging, however, do not “undo” the calories used during activity, according to some research.

For instance, jogging for 30 minutes can result in a 150-pound (68-kg) person burning roughly 240 calories.

A typical sports drink may contain roughly 20 grammes of carbohydrates and only 80 calories in 12 fluid ounces (355 ml).

Even though they may seem challenging, some activities may not actually burn many calories.

For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds (68 kg), weight training may only burn about 120 calories in a 30-minute session.

Consider if the kind and length of the exercise you perform calls for a sports drink, and be mindful of the caloric content of these drinks.

Staying Hydrated

How much you sweat can vary based on many factors, including how long and intensely you exercise, your training level and your environment.

The rate of sweating in humans may range from about 10 fluid ounces/hour (0.3 liters/hour) to 81 fluid ounces/hour (2.4 liters/hour).

What’s more, it’s recommended that athletes do not lose more than 2–3% of their body weight through sweat during exercise.

However, it’s debated whether sports drinks are more effective than water at keeping you hydrated.

Other Options to Stay Hydrated

One study compared 13 different beverages, including sports drinks and water, to see how well they hydrated the body .

Researchers provided 33.8 fluid ounces (1 liter) of each of these drinks and collected urine over the next several hours.

They found that milk, orange juice and an oral rehydration solution provided the highest amount of hydration.

Oral rehydration solutions are specifically designed to cause fluid retention and contain higher levels of sodium and potassium than a normal sports drink.

An interesting finding from this study was that there was no difference in the hydrating ability of water, sports drinks, tea and cola.

In fact, some beverages that are typically considered to be dehydrating, such as coffee and beer, hydrated the body about as much as water.

In fact, other research has indicated that coffee can help keep you hydrated, contrary to popular belief

It’s important to note that most drinks can contribute to your daily fluid requirements and help keep you hydrated.

This doesn’t mean that you should drink cola or beer during exercise, but it demonstrates that a wide variety of beverages can provide hydration throughout the day.

Enjoying Your Drink

The extent to which you appreciate particular beverages may have an impact on how much you drink.

According to research, athletes consume more water when drinking sports beverages than when drinking water alone.

Drinks that taste better may therefore help people who may be at risk of dehydration increase their fluid intake.

The Bottom Line

Although there is some controversy as to whether sports drinks are any better than plain water, they are immensely popular among athletes and recreational exercisers.

Water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes are the three basic ingredients of sports beverages.

Their advantages for athletes and people who engage in prolonged or rigorous activity are supported by research. The amount that is advised varies depending on the sort of exercise.

However, the majority of physically active people in the general population do not exercise for long enough or intensively enough to require sports drinks.

In addition, many liquids, like simple water, can hydrate your body just as well as sports drinks.

Be mindful of the calories in sports drinks if you decide to use them.

Overall, sportsmen and others who are very active can benefit from sports drinks, but most people don’t need them.

How I Went from Drinking Soda for Decades to 65 Ounces of Water Per Day

I’ll never forget the moment I understood that something was “off” about the way I drank. I had recently relocated to Los Angeles when I was 25. My favoured weekend pastimes at the time were more walking to the front door to pick up the pizza delivery, but I was in need of friends, so I agreed to go on the walk when a coworker invited me.

That morning when my new buddy picked me up at the crack of dawn, she — smartly — came prepared with a large bottle of water. Me?

I decided to pack a Coke Zero and an energy drink.

The fact of the matter is that I didn’t drink water for the majority of my life. When I was younger, good luck trying to get boxes of Capri Suns or Hi-C juice out of my hands. When I was a teenager, I believed that Jackfruit-Guava Vitamin Water, the “it girl” beverage at my high school, was equivalent to drinking regular water. And once I started college, a whopping 99 percent of any liquid that touched my lips had alcohol of some kind.

I was in poor health by the time I relocated to Los Angeles. My body had suffered since I had only consumed liquids with added sugar for so many years.

I was 30 pounds overweight. I was tired all the time. I couldn’t even think about getting out of bed without chugging a can of soda. In short, I was a hot, dehydrated mess.

First I tried to get healthy without water

That hike was the jumping-off point to a new way of life. As an official Los Angeles resident, I decided to make like the locals and give the whole “being healthy” thing a try — but give up my Coke Zero? That I wasn’t ready for.

Instead, I focused on all of my other less-desirable habits. I started spending my Saturday mornings hiking instead of sleeping in. I replaced frozen pizza and vanilla wafers with fresh fruit and vegetables. I stopped drinking alcohol, which was just as much a public service as it was a personal achievement. I hired a personal trainer who introduced me to a whole new world of pushups, lunges, and burpees.

And you know what? Things started to get better. I lost some weight. I had a little more energy. My life started to take on the appearance of a somewhat healthy person.

But I still clung to my sugary drinks like a child clings to their security blanket. I just didn’t get the appeal of water. It was bland, it was tasteless, and it didn’t deliver the kind of sugar-induced endorphin rush I got from a nice, refreshing glass of Coke. What was the big deal?

It wasn’t until my trainer physically removed the soda from my hand and told me he would no longer work with me until I started bringing a bottle of water to the gym that I started exploring if and why I needed to start drinking H2O. And turns out? It actually is kind of a big deal.

“Drinking water that’s properly absorbed into your cells is vital to staying healthy and maintaining proper function of every system in your body, including your heart, brain, and muscles,” says Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, a medical advisory board member for the Nutritional Magnesium Association. The importance of drinking water should not be overlooked. “[Not drinking enough water can cause] high blood pressure, impaired memory and concentration, fatigue, depression and irritability, poor digestion, stomach pain, constipation, sugar and junk food cravings, headaches, constipation, dizziness, increased appetite, muscle cramping, thirst, dry mouth, fatigue, gout, joint pain, premature aging and breathing problems.”

How I upped my water intake

I needed to drink more water, it became clear after approximately five seconds of investigation. But how would you go about doing that? That took some time.

I had to determine how much water I truly needed to be consuming first. Dean says, “I advise drinking half your body weight in ounces of water.” That meant 65 ounces of water every day for me.

I began by taking modest steps towards my objective since I thought it would be absolutely overwhelming to go from 0 to 65 over night.

I started slowly replacing my daily sodas with sparkling water. The bubbles helped trick my brain and helped me taper off the Coke Zero. At first, the split was about 50/50 (one soda, one sparkling water), but after a few months of weaning myself off the artificial sweeteners, I tossed the soda completely (with the exception of the one 7-ounce can per day I now enjoy, because #treatyoself).

I started putting a glass of water on my bedside before I went to sleep and drank it before I got out of bed in the morning. I stopped ordering drinks at restaurants instead sticking to water, which was better for both my budget and health. And I spent money on a beautiful water bottle that kept my liquids cool whether I was at work or the gym (this adorable polka dot Kate Spade bottle… not too shabby!).

I’m going to be honest — It was a slooooow process. I’d been drinking sugar-laced beverages without a second thought for decades. Just like dealing with any unconscious habit, undoing all those years of conditioning wasn’t easy. There were plenty of times — particularly if I was feeling stressed or overwhelmed — where I tossed my commitment to drinking more water out of the window and spent all day chugging energy drinks instead.

But the deeper I went into the world of proper hydration, the clearer it became that drinking those sugary beverages I loved so much actually made me feel terrible. When I spent the day drinking Coke Zero, I was moody. I was tired. I didn’t have the energy to tackle my workouts. I slept horribly. And that’s when it clicked — if I wanted to not only look healthy, but feel healthy, I needed to kick this habit once and for all.

It took a good long while of going back and forth between H2O and sodas, but eventually, I hit my 65-ounce goal.

Tips for drinking more water

  • Improve the flavour. “[Squeeze] some fresh lemon into your water bottle,” Dean advises. It also offers some additional advantages and a wonderful sense of flavour. Lemon aids digestion and won’t cause a blood sugar increase.
  • Gratify yourself. Create a system of rewards for yourself when you meet your daily intake targets for a week in a row. Consider getting a massage or doing something similarly luxurious and calming for you. Treat yourself, as Tom Haverford once said.
  • Promote the water. The ideal electrolyte balance is naturally created in a cell when the right amounts of minerals are present, according to Dean. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt, Himalayan salt, or Celtic salt with 1 teaspoon of magnesium citrate powder and drink this solution throughout the day to achieve electrolyte balance. Knowing that drinking water will improve your health can be a tremendous motivator.

Drinking water is like getting reborn via waterfall

Somewhere along the way, something crazy happened — I actually started to enjoy drinking water. Now it’s been about seven years, and let me tell you, it’s completely changed my life and my health.

When I successfully transitioned into drinking more water, it was the catalyst for a whole slew of new healthy habits. My thought was If I could become a water drinker after a lifetime of drinking straight up sugar… what else could I do?

I started running, eventually finishing a full marathon. I cut way back on caffeine. I bought a juicer and started kicking off my days with a combination of kale, lemon, and ginger… on purpose.

Drinking water also just makes life easier. I was able to maintain my weight without much thought or effort. I had more energy to get through the day. My skin was so glowy, I could easily get away without wearing makeup. And if I was thirsty, I didn’t have to drive around looking for a convenience store that carried whatever sugary drink I was craving that day, because guess what? There is water literally everywhere.

But what effect has drinking water had on my life the most? It’s the assurance I have that I’m giving my body what it needs to perform at its best. And that’s worth sacrificing all the Coke Zeros and Capri Suns in the world.

What Are the Benefits of Drinking Hot Water?

Many people find drinking plain hot water or hot lemon water soothing and beneficial. Hot water can help you stay hydrated, and it may also help ease congestion, improve digestion, relieve stress, and help you feel warmer.

Your body is hydrated and healthy when you drink water, whether it is hot or cold.

In comparison to drinking cold water, some people assert that drinking hot water especially can aid improve digestion, reduce congestion, and even encourage relaxation.

As there is no scientific research in this area, the majority of the health advantages of hot water are based on anecdotal evidence. Nevertheless, a lot of folks experience advantages from this therapy, particularly in the morning or just before bed.

According to researchTrusted Source, the ideal temperature for hot beverages is between 130 and 160°F (54 and 71°C). Burns or scalds can result at temperatures higher than this.

Try adding a twist of lemon to hot water to make lemon water for an additional health boost and some vitamin C.

In this article, we’ll look at 10 benefits of drinking hot water.

1. May relieve nasal congestion

Steam is produced by hot water in a cup. A cup of hot water held in your hand and a long breath of this soothing vapour may help open up congested sinuses and even ease sinus pain.

Drinking hot water will help warm your sinuses and throat because they both have mucous membranes, which can ease a painful throat brought on by mucus accumulation.

An older 2008 studyTrusted Source found that a hot beverage, like tea, quickly and effectively relieved runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and fatigue. Compared to the identical drink at room temperature, the hot beverage was more efficient.

2. May aid digestion

Water consumption promotes regularity of the digestive system. The body can better eliminate waste when the water travels through your stomach and intestines.

Some people think that consuming hot water helps to stimulate the digestive tract in particular.

According to the notion, hot water can help disintegrate and expel food that your body may have had difficulty digesting.

Even though a 2016 studyTrusted Source suggested that warm water might be advantageous for bowel motions and gas expulsion after surgery, more research is required to confirm this benefit.

It’s okay to use this as a treatment in the interim if you believe that drinking hot water will help your digestion.

3. May improve central nervous system function

Drinking insufficient amounts of hot or cold water can have a detrimental impact on how well your neurological system is operating, which in turn can influence your mood and brain function.

studies from 2019According to a reputable source, drinking water can elevate mood and the functioning of the central nervous system.

According to this study, drinking water during strenuous activities increased participants’ brain activity and decreased their self-reported anxiety.

4. May help relieve constipation

Dehydration is a common cause of constipation. In many cases, drinking water is an effective way to relieve and prevent constipation. Staying hydrated helps soften stool and makes it easier to pass.

Drinking hot water regularly may help keep your bowel movements regular.

5. Keeps you hydrated

Despite some evidenceAccording to a reliable source, drinking water at any temperature will help you stay hydrated. Cool water is ideal for rehydrating.

According to the Institute of Medicine, men should drink 112 ounces (3.3 litres) of water per day, compared to 78 ounces (2.3 litres) for women. These figures include the water that is present in foods like fruits, vegetables, and melting objects.

Additionally, if you’re nursing a baby, exercising vigorously, or working in a hot workplace, you need a lot more water

Try starting the day with a serving of hot water and ending it with another. Your body needs water to perform basically every essential function, so the value of that can’t be overstated.

How much water should you drink each day

6. Reduces shivering in the cold

A 2017 studyTrusted Source found that while the body’s natural response in cold conditions is to shiver, drinking warm fluids can help reduce shivering.

Subjects wore suits circulated with water that was a bit above freezing, then drank water at a variety of temperatures, including up to 126°F (52°C).

Researchers found that drinking the hot water quickly helped the subjects put less work into maintaining their body temperature. That could be handy, the study notes, for people working or exercising in cold conditions.

7. Improves circulation

Healthy blood flow affects everything from your blood pressure to your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Taking a warm bath helps your circulatory organs — your arteries and veins — expand and carry blood more effectively throughout your body.

Drinking hot water may have a similar effect. However, there’s little research that this is effective.

As a bonus, warmth from drinking hot water or bathing at nighttime may help relax you and prepare you for restful sleep.

8. May decrease stress levels

You might feel less apprehensive if you drink hot water since it enhances central nervous system activities.

A 2014 studyTrusted Source found that consuming less water decreased feelings of contentment, tranquilly, and other good emotions.

So being hydrated may help you feel happier and more relaxed.

9. May help the body’s detoxification systems

A 2020 study by Trusted Source discovered that drinking more water can protect the kidneys while dissolving waste products in the blood, even though there isn’t conclusive proof that hot water has a particular effect in this area.

Additionally, the Arthritis Foundation states that water consumption is crucial for cleansing out the body. Additionally, it can help avoid gout, maintain healthy joint lubrication, and battle inflammation.

10. May help relieve symptoms of achalasia

Achalasia is a condition during which your esophagus has trouble moving food down into your stomach.

People with achalasia have trouble swallowing. They may feel as though foods get stuck in their esophagus instead of moving to the stomach. This is called dysphagia.

Researchers aren’t sure why, but an older 2012 studyTrusted Source found drinking warm water may help people with achalasia digest more comfortably.

What are the risks

Drinking water that is excessively hot can scald your tongue, burn your taste buds, and harm the lining of your oesophagus. Take extreme caution when consuming hot water. Water should be drank lukewarm, not hot, to rehydrate.Reliable Source.

However, drinking hot water generally has no negative effects and is safe to use as a cure.

The bottom line

While there isn’t much empirical study on the advantages of drinking hot water over cold, doing so is generally safe and can help you stay hydrated all day.

It is simple to develop the habit of drinking hot water. Consider beginning each day with a cup of just-boiled, slightly-cooled water. If you don’t drink tea or coffee, try hot water with lemon instead.

You’ll feel more energised and more prepared to face the day if you incorporate a little stretching session into your routine.

If you don’t like the flavour of warm water, flavour it with a squeeze of lemon or lime before you drink it.

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How much water should you drink a day, How much water to drink a day

How much water should you drink a day, How much water to drink a day

How much water should you drink a day, How much water to drink a day

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kulwant singh bhati

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